Controlling Blood Sugar with Everyday Food

$24.99 USD

  • Step by step method to controlling blood sugar with everyday food choices
  • See the dietitian without leaving home, and be able refer back to the visit often
  • Lifetime access to a community within the course for recipes & FAQs
  • Downloadable resources to help you succeed. 
  • **Early beta testers get input on modifications, features & further development of the course. This course is discounted for early bird pricing. 

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1) There are no refunds for this electronic program. It is in an electronic program that can be viewed in its entirely upon purchase with supporting materials that can be printed within the modules. 

2) The opinions expressed by Christa Biegler, LLC are published for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended, or to be considered, as a diagnosis or substitute for 1:1 professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your primary provider if you have concerns or questions or schedule a 1:1 medical nutrition therapy consultation with Christa Biegler, RD, LN at  

3.) Understanding your diagnosis and health history are important foundational pieces to improving your own wellness. You are encouraged to seek this information from your physician or primary provider. 

4.) Christa Biegler, LLC disclaims any liability, express or implied, arising from your use of, or for any adverse outcome or consequence resulting from your use of, the information provided by Christa Biegler, LLC for any reason, including, but not limited to, any misuse, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the information provided.